Organic standards
The Soil Association has probably the highest and most comprehensive standards for organic production and processing in the world.
Our standards not only meet the UK government's minimum requirements but in many areas are higher. This is particularly true with animal welfare (for example, poultry) and the use of pesticides and fertilisers.
We have also developed standards for areas not covered by government or EU regulations. These include conservation, fish farming, textiles and health and beauty care products.
Our standards are constantly under review to keep them up-to-date and to address new issues and developments as they happen. To do this we have set up a number of independent standards committees. These committees are made up of our members and licensees, researchers, advisors and other experts in their field.
The committees consider proposals and amendments to the standards and advise us on other relevant policy issues. Their recommendations are circulated to all members and licensees for consultation, with the final decision being taken by our elected council. This rigorous and open process ensures standards remain high, yet attainable.
Soil Association symbol
The Soil Association symbol is the UK's most recognised trademark for organic produce.
When used on food packaging, it tells you that produce is certified to high organic standards and provides an assurance of organic authenticity.
The organic symbol is valued by farmers, growers, processors and retailers as an important mark of their professionalism and integrity.
The organic symbol is a trademark of the Soil Association and protected by copyright. Only our licensees are entitled to use this symbol and only in association with the organic products that are included on their licence.
Regulation of organic food production
EC Council Regulation 2092/91 came into force in 1993. Since then organic food production in the European Union has been strictly regulated. Regulation 2092/91 sets out the inputs and practices which may be used in organic farming and growing, and the inspection system which must be put in place to ensure this.
New EU legislation on organic standards came into force on 1 January 2009. This consists of Council Regulation (EC) 834/2007, implemented by Commission Regulation (EC) 889/2008 and Commission Regulation (EC) 1235/2008, organic imports implementing regulation. Council Regulation (EC) 834/2007 replaces Council Regulation (EEC) 2092/1991.
- standards_834_2007.pdf [PDF, 191KB]
- standards_889_2008_implementation_rules.pdf [PDF, 1MB]
- standards_1235_2008_imports.pdf [PDF, 306KB]
International standards
The Soil Association not only works actively at a national level but also at European and international levels with the aim of achieving consistently high organic standards across all bodies and authorities.
For example we were a founder member of, and continue to play a leading role within the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM).
IFOAM's basic standards (IBS) and accreditation criteria (the IFOAM norms) are the international guidelines for organic agriculture. Members build their own standards on the basis of the IBS and accreditation criteria, and they are also utilised as models for setting national and inter-governmental standards.